Monday, May 16, 2011

1916 Postcard to Mrs. M. R. Crump

This is the third and final postcard I have written by the mysterious Jane.

Dear Edith and all:-
Received your card
and was so glad to hear
from you. I received your
long letter too, and enjoyed
it so much. I have been
so busy and hate to sit
down and write letters so badly
that I put it off until the last
minute, then don't get it done.
I am thinking about the nice
school there. Find out if I would
have to take exams and what
salary they pay. I  may get
Portland next year. Am
trying to.
Will write in a day or two.
Am going home
   Love to all
      from Jane

1 comment:

  1. Email is great, but it's surely going to deprive our descendants of treasures like this. Thanks for sharing it.


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